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Creating Space · March 2024 · Vol. 1

Why Anchoring is an Important Concept in Goal-Setting & Productivity


Productivity = Impact

Productivity applies to all areas of your life.

Most people think about productivity just in context of work, and that’s where they go wrong. They start telling themselves that they’re not productive if they’re not working. That’s a very slippery slope, which often leads to negative burnout.

Productivity comes through in everything – in life, and at work – and those areas are intertwined. If your goal is to eat better, then spending time learning how to cook is incredibly productive. It doesn’t matter if it has anything to do with your work or not – in the short-term. It will have an impact on it regardless, long-term. All areas of your life affect each other.

Productivity isn’t about “doing boring tasks faster” than anyone else. It’s about creating results for yourself that lead to deep fulfillment and happiness… so how productive you are depends entirely on your goals, and how you choose to approach them.

The best kind of productivity – the one that comes from integrating business and life – creates deep impact and opportunities not just for you, but for others.

When you love what you do, and it’s a part of you, that clearly shows. It inspires others. When you are inspired, you take action, and that ripple effect keeps going. We don’t just do things for no reason. There is always a story behind it, and it usually starts with inspiration.

The best leaders know how to inspire others because they know that their success will inevitably ignite a spark in the next leader, who will then be able to contribute for the betterment of humanity as well.

Let’s keep that train moving. ❤️

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February 2024 Productivity Report

Why Anchoring is an Important Concept in Goal-Setting and Productivity

After the whirlwind that was the beginning of the year, February was actually very quiet. I spent all of my time at home in Chicago, recharging in solitude for most of the month. It felt very grounding to have that much time at home, just to hang out. I loved it… and probably needed it after all the recent travel.

My home in Chicago works like an anchor for me. It’s the place I come back to in order to reset. It’s incredibly important for me to have a place like that because it’s how I stay balanced. I refer to that as having a “basecamping” type of lifestyle (contrasted to “vagabond” type of digital nomad who is constantly on the move). It essentially means that I have that one permanent place to call “home,” despite enjoying a traveling lifestyle the rest of the time. It fits me perfectly, and I prefer it that way.

This lifestyle also aligns with this month’s takeaway, which you can read about in the full blog post here...or if you prefer, you can watch the recap over on YouTube:

In this video, I:
→ share why anchoring is such an important concept in goal-setting

→ show you how I like to think about my goals

→ explain what stats I focus on and how I track progress

Popular Articles

How I Planned Out & Completed My Home Gym Project in Less than 3 Weeks

For a while now, I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a small home gym section in my finished basement. Why? Well, my attitude toward exercise changes with the weather. When it’s cold and rainy, I have a hard time getting outside. I don’t want that to become an excuse, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a space where I can move regularly.

Why Reflection Routines are Key to Improving Project Management Skills

In life, as well as in business, we have to continuously strive for better and more effective project management. Projects are all around us – all the time – and the better you can manage them, the more productive you get. Productivity is all about doing the right things for impact, and if you don’t understand project management, you won’t make much impact at all.

Upcoming Events

Featured Event

July 26, 2024 · 2 PM Central (US)

MMM Coaching: Perfectionism, Overworking, & Commitments

Our co-host and EFT Expert Sherry Lukey will lead us in a discussion and explorative tapping session focusing on how to release yourself from perfectionism. Join us to explore the reasons why you may be overworking or overcommitting without creating structured boundaries around your schedule.

*This call is included at no cost for students enrolled in Mindful Monday Mapping. Auto-enrollment.

More Upcoming Events:

*Welcome calls are open to anyone who is a new student in any course, or a prospective student interested in more information on how our courses are structured. No registration required. Please note that all times are shown in the US Central Time Zone. Check local time zones here.

Recent Past Events:

**Please note that you must be an enrolled student to watch certain replays. For questions on enrolling or access to any call, please email support@theswedishorganizer.com.

Recent Press

How Do You Customize Productivity Methods to Suit Your Unique Coaching Style?

In this article by Featured.com, I highlight narrative bullet journaling, which is the foundation for my program Mindful Monday Mapping (MMM).

Freebies & Low-Ticket Offers

The Bookend Approach to Productivity (Mini-Course)

Learn how to close open loops to supercharge your days (Only $47!)

Quarterly Business Planning (Workshop)

Plan your season with us in this live group experience (First one free!)

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I enroll in your courses anytime?

Answer: Yes! We have open enrollment throughout the year in order to foster a calm, collected, no-stress environment. That being said, the sooner you buy in, the sooner you can welcome more success into your life. Now is always the right time.

Question: I'm not sure what type of help I need? How do I choose?

Answer: We have a handy-dandy flowchart to help you through that decision here, and if you're still having trouble, reach out for a recommendation by sending an email to hello@theswedishorganizer.com. You can also book a Discovery Call here.

Question: Do you have any guarantees on your courses?

Answer: Yes, most of them come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Success Story

My to-do list was full of projects that sat for weeks, months... a long time, and weren't getting done. The lightbulb moment was when I realized they didn't belong on that list at all.
Tara Whitaker, The Modern Editor Podcast, on her experience in Mindful Monday Mapping.

New & Popular

Want to draw a straight line between yourself and your goals?

Then implement a reflection routine.

It’s by far one of the simplest and most powerful things you can do for yourself in order to create a more aligned life and business.

This was the topic of my recent conversation with Melissa Snow from Powerful Women Rising. The episode is now available on YouTube.

🔔 Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos like this!

New IG Content

Don't forget to join our Broadcast Channel "Getting it done!"

Until Next Time, Stay Productive!

Our mission: To create more space in both your life and business, so that you can leverage your time, work less, and enjoy the lifestyle freedom you deserve.

631 Fairway View Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102
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Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

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