[The Swedish Organizer] Strategizing for Summer Slumps 🗓 Join us for Q3 Planning this Friday!


I don’t know about you, but I notice a significant dropoff in client engagement during the summer months. ☀️

My audience is heavily US- and Canada-based, which means that the weather has a big effect on my website traffic, and therefore conversion numbers.

After having been cooped up for months inside, people are eager to get outside... not sit in front of a computer.

Understandably so.

But what does this mean for me? 🤔

Well, I have to take this seasonal drop into account when planning my next business quarter.

I have to come up with ways to compensate in Q3.

At the same time, I also have to figure out how to spend more time outside myself… I don’t want to be the only one left behind!

My efficiency has to be on point - more so than ever.

You likely have seasonal slumps like this in your business too.

Perhaps not the same ones, but there’ll certainly be patterns that emerge if you do this on a consistent basis.

Knowledge is power, as they say.

Understanding your seasons helps you predict cash flow, and stay on top of your sales.

What are your slumps, I wonder?

And have you made plans to tackle them?

That’s why quarterly planning is so important.

With that in mind, I'd like to invite you to our next upcoming session.

Not only will you get to see me, but you'll also get enjoy our Co-Coach & EFT Expert Extraordinaire, Sherry Lukey, who will lead us all in a stress-releasing exercise before we begin.

The more we can do to activate your higher brain waves, the better.

Our Q3 planning session takes place this Friday, June 14th, at 2 PM Central US time.

Will you join us live to strategize your next quarter in business?

We hope it’s a resounding YES because we can’t wait to hear your takeaways.

We love to celebrate wins in a group setting to really let it all really sink in.

Quarterly Planning is Essential to a Well-Rounded Business.

Here are just a few benefits of regularly participating:

✅ It Provides Clarity & Insight

Our planning process will help you reflect on the direction of your life and business. By defining what you want to achieve, you can stay aligned with your goals over time. Hello, work-life balance!

✅ It Establishes Priorities

Our 3-part productivity audit will help you pinpoint what will actually move the needle for you, and let you zero in on exactly those projects. This translates into focused, manageable projects with measurable progress.

✅ It Enhances Communication

Our planning process helps you understand what expectations and boundaries you need to communicate to those around you. This also helps facilitate your progress.

✅ It Builds Momentum

Breaking down your goals into manageable chunks builds momentum, and lets you feel more productive throughout your season. No more stagnant energy.

✅ It Improves Efficiency

Planning ahead helps you identify potential obstacles and challenges, and by knowing what you’re up against, you can more easily overcome them, thus improving efficiency.

In other words, setting aside three hours of your time for this session will translate into more confidence that you’re working on the right thing, at the right time, for the right people, and with the right support.

You’ll have a clear roadmap for success that’ll help you tackle next season.

And that is what we call ROI.

Here's How to Join Us

If this will be your first time joining us - Welcome! - you can register via our sales page here.

Your first experience is complimentary, and you can cancel at any time with no questions after your trial ends, which is a full 3 months from now.

if you’re a regular - welcome back - simply log into our academy to access the meeting link.

To get reminders, you can also RSVP in the community.

Once you're signed up, don’t forget to put the details on your calendar, so you remember show up live.

We’ll take care of the rest.

See you at the end of the week!

Caroline Guntur

Organizing & Productivity Coach

The Swedish Organizer, LLC


PS! Our Quarterly Planning workshops are held in a live group setting over Zoom. We find that this approach provides accountability, inspiration, and motivation for everyone.

If you’d rather plan in private, we have Quarterly Planning VIP days available. Book a Discovery Call here to discuss.​

Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

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