[The Swedish Organizer] Creating Space, Vol, 3: When Quiet Productivity is the Most Powerful Use of Your Time ✨

Creating Space · May 2024 · Vol. 3

When Quiet Productivity is the Most Powerful Use of Your Time


It's Just the Tip of the Iceberg.

That's what I keep telling people, yet they refuse to believe me.

Productivity is a funny thing. For you, it's important to feel productive. But to the world, it's important that you appear productive. Those two things are not necessarily the same thing, but it's a fascinating dynamic to ponder... especially in the context of perceived success.

This month, I'm discussing quiet vs. loud productivity on the blog, which is a topic I enjoy tremendously. You see, most of the time, I am quietly productive.

I keep my head down, do what I need to do, and maintain sharp boundaries.

I don't share much of myself publicly.

I'm introverted, so I don't feel the need (or the urge) to do so.

As such, I focus well and get huge results without much interference or input from others. I feel productive, and I know I am, which is great. The downside is that no one else knows it. That's not so great.

Loud productivity promotes inclusion. When people get to see what you’re working on (as you are working on it), they get emotionally invested.

It makes them feel like they have a better connection with you, and was somehow a part of your success. That is an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

Quiet productivity forfeits that entire experience.

Because of this, quiet productivity tends to show up as "overnight success."

People didn't see you "do the thing" (whatever it happened to be), so they assume you got lucky, have some sort of secret, or use dark magic spells.

In reality, it's much simpler than that. We're only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Food for thought.

🇸🇪 Sending you productive vibes from Sweden

New on YouTube

April 2024 Productivity Report

When Quiet Productivity is the Most Powerful Use of Your Time

This month's productivity report is now live on YouTube, and it has some great takeaways around when to use loud productivity and when to use quiet productivity. Knowing when to choose what can make the difference between meeting your goals with ease or botching your public image. Assuming you have one. 😉

Watch it here:

In this video, I:
→ share the definitions of loud and quiet productivity
→ show you how to think about them in context of marketing
→ explain when to use what for maximum results

Upcoming In-Person Events

In June and July, I'll be California Dreamin' with stops in San Diego, Los Angeles, and a few smaller towns. I will have a limited amount of in-person VIP days and consultations available between June 3-8th, and July 9-13th.

These sessions will be in collaboration with Jaleh Zandieh, who is a global leadership expert and a master of team communication. Investments range from $500-$2000/offer. Hit reply for details on each opportunity, and available spots.

Upcoming Online Events

Featured Event

June 14, 2024 · 2 PM Central (US)

Q3 Quarterly Planning

A three-hour live and interactive workshop to help you find your focus for the next three months in business.

*This workshop is included at no cost for students enrolled in Mindful Monday Mapping Auto-enrollment.

More Upcoming Events:

*This is a direct meeting link. Welcome calls are open to anyone who is a new student in any course, or a prospective student interested in more information on how our courses are structured. No registration required. Please note that all times are shown in the US Central Time Zone. Check local time zones here.

Recent Past Events:

**Please note that you must be an enrolled student to watch certain replays. For questions on enrolling or access to any call, please email support@theswedishorganizer.com.

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Content By Others

What I'm Reading Right Now:

  1. Information Week - Driving IT Projects: The Value of the Project Management Officer
  2. The Next Web - It’s not you, it’s the team: When personal productivity isn’t enough
  3. CMS Wire - Navigating the Impact of AI on Digital Asset Management Jobs

Deals & Promotions

20% Mother's Day Sale

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Hit reply for a promo code good for 20% off any course in our academy. This offer is valid on all payment plans. Questions? Email support@theswedishorganizer.com for help.

Wanna Work Together?

Let's Make It Simple!

When you need a little extra help, it can be hard to know where to start, so in true organizing fashion, I've put together a handy dandy flowchart to guide you through the decision.

Click the button below, and let it guide you to the best opportunity.

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The Bookend Approach to Productivity (Mini-Course)

Learn how to close open loops to supercharge your days (Only $47!)

Until Next Time, Stay Productive!

Our mission: To create more space in both your life and business, so that you can leverage your time, work less, and enjoy the lifestyle freedom you deserve.

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@ 2009 - 2024 The Swedish Organizer, LLC. All rights reserved.

Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

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