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Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

Read more from Caroline Guntur

Creating Space · June 2024 · Vol. 4 The Best Kind of Productivity Creates Impact & Opportunity Welcome Productivity = Impact Productivity applies to all areas of your life. Most people think about productivity just in context of work, and that’s where they go wrong. They start telling themselves that they’re not productive if they’re not working. That’s a very slippery slope, which often leads to negative burnout. Productivity comes through in everything – in life, and at work – and those...

I don’t know about you, but I notice a significant dropoff in client engagement during the summer months. ☀️ My audience is heavily US- and Canada-based, which means that the weather has a big effect on my website traffic, and therefore conversion numbers. After having been cooped up for months inside, people are eager to get outside... not sit in front of a computer. Understandably so. But what does this mean for me? 🤔 Well, I have to take this seasonal drop into account when planning my...

2024-05 Creating Space by The Swedish Organizer - Quiet Productivity

Creating Space · May 2024 · Vol. 3 When Quiet Productivity is the Most Powerful Use of Your Time Welcome It's Just the Tip of the Iceberg. That's what I keep telling people, yet they refuse to believe me. Productivity is a funny thing. For you, it's important to feel productive. But to the world, it's important that you appear productive. Those two things are not necessarily the same thing, but it's a fascinating dynamic to ponder... especially in the context of perceived success. This month,...