[The Swedish Organizer] Join us for Quarterly Planning This Friday, March 22nd, 2024! ✨

Aloha Reader,

How well did Q1 treat you and your business?

Sure, it's a loaded question, but it's one worth answering.

If you're not sure how to reply, I can reveal the answer I'm looking for:

"Amazing, Caroline - I can't believe all the wonderful progress that happened!"

If that answer came to mind - Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Well done, indeed.

If you hesitated, that's OK.

Sometimes "amazing" isn't the first answer that comes to mind.

There could be a variety of reasons for that, but often it's simply because we're not quite sure.

We haven't taken the time to properly assess what happened.

You see, as business owners we're notoriously bad a measuring our progress and patting ourselves on the back.

That's why we have to stop, drop, and roll. (Sorry, different audience!)

That's why we have to stop, pause, and reflect on all the lessons the universe offered up.

I firmly believe that if we look back at what happened in the past season, it helps us to move forward.

By doing that, we not only receive our lessons, but we actually learn from them.

It's truly astonishing just how much clarity you get from a few moments of reflection.

That's why I'm so passionate about reflection routines.

They are the pillars of progress - like a bright beacon lighting our path - no matter who you are, or what you are trying to accomplish.

This Friday, we're hosting another Quarterly Planning session, and we hope you'll take advantage of the opportunity to join us.

This time, we will focus on your growth in quarter two of this year (April, May, and June), so that you can move forward with focused productivity and renewed motivation.

As usual, we will meet over Zoom, so there's no restriction on location.

You also don't have to be in any particular niche or industry.

We welcome all types of business owners and leaders as long as you bring a kind heart, an open mind, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Here are the details:

Date: Friday, March 22, 2024

Time: 9 AM Honolulu / 12 Noon LA / 2 PM Chicago / 3 PM NYC / 7 PM London / 8 PM Copenhagen / 6 AM Sydney (+1)

Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82008239193?pwd=koF8jsYEzRNm8jSa5sa6XTZcsbkAA1.1

If you are already registered, all the meeting details, the blank workbook, and everything else you need is available in our academy.

Also remember to pull out your old workbook if you were with us at the session in January.

If you are new to the process or haven't joined us live before, make sure you register first to have access to everything.

Link to Register: https://theswedishorganizer.com/quarterly-planning-workshops

The first session is always free, so there's no risk involved with trying this out for yourself.

Let's look forward to Q2!

Join us this Friday for a look back, not only to celebrate your accomplishments with us, but to share the important lessons that the universe gave you. It's more fun to grow together.

By doing this type of proactive work ON your business, you will become crystal clear on what you need to work on in order to flourish.

And not only that...but the next time I ask how you did, you won't have to guess. You'll KNOW. ✨


PS! Trouble registering? Have questions? Not sure what how to best participate? Just hit reply, and I'll take care of you.

PPS! Love Quarterly Planning? Be sure to invite an entrepreneurial friend to this session too by sharing the registration link above. The more, the merrier!

Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

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