[The Swedish Organizer] Creating Space, Vol, 7: Use That Powerful Voice for Good...In Every Way Possible.

Creating Space · September 2024 · Vol. 7

Use That Powerful Voice for Good... In Every Way Possible.


How Do You Express Productivity?

Madonna said to Express Yourself, so that's what I've been doing this year.

In fact, these past nine months has been one giant experiment. At the start of January, my desire was to unleash my most creative self, and I'm happy to say that she's finally arrived. Was the road a bit bumpy? Sure, but it always is, and you can't make progress without discomfort.

Today, as I sit here typing these words, I am reflecting on what's been working, and there's a lot to cover. Bear with me because I have a point.

First, putting out monthly thoughts without really bothering with a strategy for it has been transformative. It has set free the control freak inside of me, and she's been able to take a vacation. Well deserved, I think, after all these years. She can now come and go as she pleases.

As a result, I find myself less and less concerned with public opinion. That't fantastic. Huge, actually. Being able to speak up without fear of judgement or imposter syndrome creeping in is a big win, and it's what I wish for everyone. We all deserve to have a say, and be the most expressive versions of ourselves. That's the real American dream.

Secondly, the artist within has emerged. I have recorded a collaborative song, due for release soon. Tweaks are still left to be made, but still. My vocal chords have been dormant for far too long, and unleashing that part of me again is what led to this month's takeaway.

You find your voice by using it. Just like with anything else, it's the doing that makes all the difference. A lot of people mistakenly think that you need to find your voice before you can express it. Not so. It's when you use it that you find it. If you are blessed enough to live in a society that allows for free expression, take the opportunity. Leverage your voice in as many ways as possible. Don't take it for granted. Somewhere deep inside, I knew that, but I still hesitated for far too long.

These newfound a-ha moments have set me on a different trajectory, and I'm excited to see where it all leads. I have decided to release an album, for example. No telling when yet because I still have write it, but the pieces are falling into place. Serendipitously, this month's photoshoot gifted me both the cover and the title of that album. You get a small glimpse today with one of the images in that series.

How do you best express productivity though?

Sometimes people ask me what I actually "do" because I don't just focus on talking about work and "getting things done" on social media. My feeds are not as carefully curated as other businesses, and they don't display only offers and services. I also post about people I meet, fun things that I'm doing, and how I'm enjoying life. Whatever I feel like at the moment... It's perhaps an unusual strategy.

Instagram marketers DM me constantly, asking if I need help to "come up with a plan" to increase my follower count. "If you only separated your business account from your own personal stuff," they say, "you would do so much better." That may be, but it would come at the price of having multiple accounts, and once again, muting a part of myself. Thanks, but no thanks. The plan is to have no plan. Interesting words from a planner, wouldn't you say?

I cannot separate who I am from what I do because productivity is a lifestyle. The fact that I have time to be on the road for months while still running my business and coaching my clients speaks volumes. There's plenty of time to have fun, see my friends, record songs, host events, and still get everything done. Productivity is about creating the happiest version of yourself, so I can't imagine doing it any other way - numbers be damned.

How do you use your voice and express your productivity?


New & Popular

What is creativity really, and how does it affect us as small business owners?
This was the topic of my recent conversation with my amazing client, Designer and Creative Flow Coach Anna Murray of Spirals and Patternity.

She is one of my favorite people in the world because of how insightful she is, so I could think of no better person with whom to discuss this topic.

We covered things like:
What fuels your success as an entrepreneur?
What makes up a super creative brain?
How do we get unstuck, and validate our work?
Who do we share our creativity with, and when?
…and did you know that creativity is nothing but organizing defined?

It was an inspiring conversation, and you can enjoy it over on YouTube.

🔔 Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos like this!

Deals & Promotions

Your Path to Freedom Starts with MMM.

Did you know that the average business owner works twice as hard as the average employee, despite citing "freedom" as the main reason why they started their business? Yup, it's true.

Most entrepreneurs strike out on their own, so that they can have more time with their families, set their own schedules, and enjoy more “white space” on their calendars. Yet, somehow, they end up working more hours - simply because there are so many things to manage.

In Mindful Monday Mapping, we fix that. It is my signature year-long transformative course + coaching program for leaders and business owners that teaches project management, decision-making skills, and a process for how to create and implement a shorter work week.

You get to implement an effective and proven weekly CEO routine that lets you button up your business, so that you can finally create that spacious schedule you've been dreaming about - no matter how much success you attain.

Join us today to fast-track your freedom.

Success Story

My to-do list was full of projects that sat for weeks, months... a long time, and weren't getting done. The lightbulb moment was when I realized they didn't belong on that list at all.
Tara Whitaker, The Modern Editor Podcast, on her experience in Mindful Monday Mapping.

Wanna Work Together?

Let's Make It Simple!

When you need a little extra help, it can be hard to know where to start, so in true organizing fashion, I've put together a handy dandy flowchart to guide you through the decision.

Click the button below, and let it guide you to the best opportunity.

New on YouTube

August 2024 Productivity Report

Use That Powerful Voice for Good... In Every Way Possible!

August brought a change in seasons. I could feel it heading into the month. I felt excited by the possibilities, yet a little taken aback by the unknown nature of it all.

This month, I was looking forward to connecting more deeply with a few specific people in order to really explore and strengthen those relationships. I’m happy to say that everything clicked the way I thought it would. It’s funny how sometimes you meet people and you feel like you’ve known them for years, even though it’s been mere hours. I guess that’s what happens when your spirits align.

August was full of great takeaways, which you can now read about in the full blog post here...or if you prefer, you can watch the recap over on YouTube:

In this video, I:
→ share why you have to take action to become more creative and expressive

→ show you how I like to think about my goals

→ explain what stats I focus on and how I track progress

Content By Others

What I'm Reading Right Now:

  1. 7 Trends You May Have Missed About project management in different industries (CustomerThink)
  2. Time Management Hacks From The World’s Most Successful Leaders (Forbes)
  3. Using AI for Time Management and Study Planning (AutoGPT)

Upcoming Events

Featured Event

November 14 * December 6, 2024

Market & Monetize Bootcamp

Together with CPA and Financial Coach Chelsea Scomak, I will be leading a full bootcamp for The Photo Managers this fall.

If you are ready to elevate your business by mastering the art of effective marketing and confident pricing, this is for you!

I will be teaching four sessions:

  • Simplifying Social Proof for Sales
  • Optimizing Lead Generation through Effective Off-Boarding
  • Optimizing Offer Conversions through Social Selling and Networking
  • Powerful Pitching & Stories that Sell

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a while, this bootcamp is designed to provide you with the tools and strategies needed to take your business to the next level.

Upcoming Events:

Please note that all times are shown in the US Central Time Zone. Check local time zones here.

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*Please note that this event is hosted by a third-party.

**Please note that you must be an enrolled student to watch certain replays. For questions on enrolling or access to any call, please email support@theswedishorganizer.com.

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The Bookend Approach to Productivity (Mini-Course)

Learn how to close open loops to supercharge your days (Only $47!)

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@ 2009 - 2024 The Swedish Organizer, LLC. All rights reserved.

Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

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