
Caroline Guntur

Hi there! I'm Caroline, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer. My passion is to help creative entrepreneurs get their ducks in a row and finish what they start, so they can work less, play more, and have time for what matters.

2024-09 Creating Space by The Swedish Organizer - Use Your Voice
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[The Swedish Organizer] Creating Space, Vol, 7: Use That Powerful Voice for Good...In Every Way Possible.

Creating Space · September 2024 · Vol. 7 Use That Powerful Voice for Good... In Every Way Possible. Welcome How Do You Express Productivity? Madonna said to Express Yourself, so that's what I've been doing this year. In fact, these past nine months has been one giant experiment. At the start of January, my desire was to unleash my most creative self, and I'm happy to say that she's finally arrived. Was the road a bit bumpy? Sure, but it always is, and you can't make progress without...

A person writing on a notebook with a laptop in the background

Believe it or not, but the holiday season is soon upon us... which means it’s time to set goals for a strong end-of-year quarter. I love Q4. It means family time, snowy landscapes, and sipping hot chocolate by a cozy fireplace… at least if you’re on my side of the globe. If you’re on the other side of the globe, it might mean sunshine and a strong sea breeze. That’s never wrong either. Regardless of your view though, let's come together to plan abundant bank accounts that we can use to spread...

July 2024 Productivity Report: When Preparation Meets Opportunity, You're Unstoppable

Creating Space · August 2024 · Vol. 6 When Preparation Meets Opportunity, You're Unstoppable Welcome What are You Preparing for? "Preparation" is a funny word to me. On most days, I'm like a boy scout: always prepared. 🤣 I guess that's the organizer in me. That being said, I rarely know what I am preparing for... it's often a bit fuzzy. There are hints here and there, sure, but nothing concrete. But then seemingly from out of nowhere, a new opportunity opens up. And I take it. Every time. A...

June 2024 Productivity Report: Why Your Intuition Helps in Long-Term Strategic Planning

Creating Space · July 2024 · Vol. 5 Why Your Intuition Helps in Long-Term Strategic Planning Welcome How Intuitive are You? I'm asking because I'd truly love to know. My intuition has long been the main factor in how I make decisions, for good or bad. That's how I knew I had to go to California in June. I could sense that this was going to be one of those life-changing trips that I would one day look back on and cherish as a pivot point in my life. And now that I'm back home, I can already...

Creating Space · June 2024 · Vol. 4 The Best Kind of Productivity Creates Impact & Opportunity Welcome How Do You Express Productivity? Madonna said to Express Yourself, so that's what I've been doing this year. In fact, these past nine months has been one giant experiment. At the start of January, my desire was to unleash my most creative self, and I'm happy to say that she's finally arrived. Was the road a bit bumpy? Sure, but it always is, and you can't make progress without discomfort....

I don’t know about you, but I notice a significant dropoff in client engagement during the summer months. ☀️ My audience is heavily US- and Canada-based, which means that the weather has a big effect on my website traffic, and therefore conversion numbers. After having been cooped up for months inside, people are eager to get outside... not sit in front of a computer. Understandably so. But what does this mean for me? 🤔 Well, I have to take this seasonal drop into account when planning my...

2024-05 Creating Space by The Swedish Organizer - Quiet Productivity

Creating Space · May 2024 · Vol. 3 When Quiet Productivity is the Most Powerful Use of Your Time Welcome It's Just the Tip of the Iceberg. That's what I keep telling people, yet they refuse to believe me. Productivity is a funny thing. For you, it's important to feel productive. But to the world, it's important that you appear productive. Those two things are not necessarily the same thing, but it's a fascinating dynamic to ponder... especially in the context of perceived success. This month,...

2024-04 Creating Space by The Swedish Organizer - Measure of Success

Creating Space · April 2024 · Vol. 2 Why Your Ideal Life Pace is a True Measure of Success Welcome How Do We Best Measure Success? I’m an island girl by heart. Every time I’m on an island somewhere – whether its O’ahu, New Providence, Puerto Rico, or even Iceland – I feel infinitely comfortable. There’s something about it that draws me back. You’d think it’d be the climate, but no. Iceland wouldn’t be included in the grouping if it was… There’s just something about the lifestyle that suites...

Creating Space Newsletter | The Swedish Organizer

Creating Space · March 2024 · Vol. 1 Why Anchoring is an Important Concept in Goal-Setting & Productivity Welcome How Do You Express Productivity? Madonna said to Express Yourself, so that's what I've been doing this year. In fact, these past nine months has been one giant experiment. At the start of January, my desire was to unleash my most creative self, and I'm happy to say that she's finally arrived. Was the road a bit bumpy? Sure, but it always is, and you can't make progress without...

Aloha Reader, How well did Q1 treat you and your business? Sure, it's a loaded question, but it's one worth answering. If you're not sure how to reply, I can reveal the answer I'm looking for: "Amazing, Caroline - I can't believe all the wonderful progress that happened!" If that answer came to mind - Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Well done, indeed. If you hesitated, that's OK. Sometimes "amazing" isn't the first answer that comes to mind. There could be a variety of reasons for...